Be Honest With Your Recruiter

Recruiters should be regarded as your teammates in the job search. We want you to feel like you are not in this alone, but we need you to be right there with us. You work hard when job hunting and recruiters work hard to help you, but it can come crashing down due to a little something left off of your resume or application. You may not know how to go about mentioning sensitive subjects to hiring managers, but you need to be upfront with your recruiter about any pertinent information. We know how to lead you in the right direction when it comes to discussing some of life’s sticky situations. 

  • Background Charges/Issues – Recruiters run into candidates who seem to think bluffing their way through a background check works. When your background is run and a charge appears, you cannot say “Oh I didn’t think that would show,” after you claim a clear background. Companies will consider your application falsified, and the process is over. Some companies do have strict background policies due to the nature of specific positions, but this does not mean all companies are not flexible. If you stole some earrings 20 years ago when you were a teenager and the charge is still showing up, let them know ahead of time. Some employers understand that people have made mistakes in the past and have moved on. We have seen a company that would have been open to recent charges if only the candidate had been upfront about it. Being honest may not always work out due to strict background policies, but there is a chance some companies will understand and work with you. 

  • The real reason you left a position - If you left your last job because you absolutely hated your boss, got creeped out by a co-worker, or made a dumb mistake and lost the job – let your recruiter know. If it is information you would feel uncomfortable telling the hiring manager, make sure your recruiter understands. Your recruiter may have to answer questions from the hiring manager once you are presented, and it is better for them to understand your reasoning and be able to explain things in a way that keeps you happy and satisfies the hiring manager as well. 

  • Past job duties – Do not pretend you were the manager in charge of a department if you were really working an entry-level position in your last job. You can fake it on your resume and have fake references that will vouch for your make-believe position – but you will get found out. When a candidate is placed in a role and it becomes apparent that they lied about their abilities, it makes for an unhappy situation for everyone. 

The job hunt is a scary, frustrating, and exhausting thing. If you take the opportunity to partner with a Recruiter in your search, be sure to do your part! We cannot represent you to companies if we do not know the truth about you.


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