Three Tips to Expand your Skill Set

In the last article of this series, we created SMART goals to steer our job search in the right direction. So, now that we are submitting applications and starting the interview process, how can we market ourselves better to future employers? This week, we will take a look into expanding our skillset and what resources are available to use.

Expand Your Skill Set

Different Types of Skills

Soft skills are interpersonal skills and other personality traits that allow you to communicate and work with others. They are transferable, which means they are valuable for any job no matter the industry. Certain examples of soft skills include adaptability, communication, leadership, and time management to name a few. You may showcase these skills in the description of your previous work experience or during your interview.

Hard skills are technical skills that give you the capability to perform tasks related to a specific job. You can gain or improve these skills through training, tutorials and practice. Examples of technical skills are certifications in accounting, graphic design, SEO/SEM marketing, or experience with certain programs like Microsoft Office and Adobe Suite. You showcase these skills separately on your resume for hiring managers and recruiters to note your specialized experience.

How to Increase your Skill Set

The following three ways allow you to seek out information for specific skills you want to learn:

1. Take Advantage of Online Learning

Online learning is a quick and affordable option to increase your skillset by furthering your education with specific online courses or a degree program instead of your traditional in-person school. This gives you greater flexibility to balance work and school.

The difference between taking courses instead of enrolling in a degree program is the specialization to learn a specific skill. For example, if you would like to learn the in-demand programming language Python or would like a further understanding of search engine optimization, you would take a course in these respective programs to learn the basics. It allows you to learn a skill quickly without a huge financial investment.

Enrolling in an online degree program allows you to advance your career with a related program. For example, if you currently have an undergraduate degree in a business-related field, this change in careers may push you to finally enroll in an MBA program to gain further knowledge. You can also take advantage of an online program by broadening your scope of what institution to attend. This can help open new doors with future employers in managerial positions with the proper experience as well.

2. Follow through with Certification Programs

Apart from degrees, holding certifications under your industry can present you to be more marketable to recruiters and hiring managers. There may be required or recommended certifications in place for certain roles depending on your industry or career path. Colleges and universities offer online certifications for undergraduate, graduate, and non-credit levels. A quick Google search with your preferred school can give you more information on ways to apply and cost. There are also websites such as Coursera and Udemy that have a wide selection of courses for you to choose from. It will reduce your research time to find the right certification for you.

3. Participate in Job Shadowing

Job shadowing is a great way to learn more about the day-to-day responsibilities of another profession and to learn new skills. This usually involves following a professional throughout their day as they perform their job duties. Generally, it is best to choose individuals who are experienced or perform well in their positions to gain insightful knowledge.

You may also join a professional association in your field. In a group setting, you have the opportunity to converse with colleagues about your industry and discover skills you may want to develop. These professional associations are usually available on local, state, national, and international levels. This can lead to a mentorship relationship where someone can give you the advice to improve in your job role for further advancement.

Searching for a new job is a job on its own. You constantly need to find ways to reach a new career opportunity. Increasing your skillset, it allows you to allocate your free time whether you are currently employed or unemployed. Next week we will move to Preparing for the Interview to get some tips on how to reduce any stress during your job search.


How to Prepare for an Interview


Finding your Presence in Different Environments