Tips for Filling out a Job Application

When seeking out a new job, you will most likely have to fill out several applications until you finally find a suitable employer. Depending on the employer and/or position, job applications will come in all sizes and complexity, ranging from one-page applications to detailed applications containing several pages. Filling out a job application successfully can make the difference between getting picked for an interview or having the application tossed on the pile. Here are some important tips for filling out a job application.

Be Prepared and Organized

Filling out a job application can be time consuming, especially if you start the application unprepared. We recommend keeping a folder containing your resume, paper copies of your driver’s license, list of previous employers contact information, list of previous addresses, list of references, etc., that you can refer to while filling out your application. Trying to hunt down information while you are filling out an application can lead to hurriedness and inconsistencies, so come prepared.

Review the Application before You Start

Each application is unique. Some are fairly easy and others are more detailed and have important instructions. Take a few minutes to look over the application before you start filling it out. If you are filling out the application while at the place of the employer, ask all your questions you may have about the application before you begin filling it out.

Never put “See Resume” on your Application

It’s ok to attach your resume to your application, but never put “See Resume” on your job application itself. When reviewing job applications, employers prefer that all the pertinent information they need to consider you for an interview be easily accessible on your job application. If an employer has to go back and forth between your application and resume to get any information, they may miss something important and your application could be passed over.

Keep your Application and Resume Consistent

It’s extremely important that the information you have on your resume and application match up. Any inconsistencies found on your education/employment history, etc., can cause confusion while being reviewed. The name of the game when applying for a job is to make it as easy as possible for the employer to know you and your qualifications.

Always use References

Employers rely heavily on references, so be sure to include them on your application.Use references carefully; a mixture of previous employers or co-workers and personal references is the best route. Make sure you notify your references ahead of time so they can expect the call.

Proofread your Application

Before you submit your application, take a few minutes to review your application for any errors, inconsistencies, or typos. If filling out by hand, make sure your application is as neat as possible and use clean, legible handwriting.


Your job application is a reflection of you. It’s the interview before the interview. The whole reason employers use job applications is to determine if you are worthy of an interview so be sure to use these tips to make sure your application is concise, accurate, consistent, and organized.


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