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Employer Riverway Business Employer Riverway Business

Understanding the FLSA Overtime Rule Update 

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a fundamental piece of legislation that governs labor practices in the United States. One of its key provisions is the regulation of overtime pay. Recently, there have been significant updates to the FLSA overtime rules in Texas. Understanding these changes is crucial for both employers and employees to ensure compliance and fair compensation.

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Employer Riverway Business Employer Riverway Business

Summer Strategies for Peak Productivity with Kids at Home 

The arrival of summer brings a unique set of challenges for working parents. With children out of school, maintaining productivity can become a juggling act. However, with thoughtful strategies and supportive workplace policies, employers can help their teams stay productive while enjoying a balanced family life. Here are some effective summer strategies to boost productivity during school breaks.

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Employer Riverway Business Employer Riverway Business

Discover What Truly Motivates Your Team: Beyond Salary Benefits 

Many employers assume that salary is the most important factor for their employees. While compensation is significant, it’s not the only thing that matters. To truly understand what motivates and satisfies your team, it's essential to ask them directly about the benefits that matter most to them. Here’s why this approach is so effective and how it can positively impact your business.

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Employer Riverway Business Employer Riverway Business

Essential Safety Guidelines for Every Workplace 

Maintaining a safe work environment is crucial for the well-being of employees and the overall success of any business. Regardless of the industry, implementing comprehensive safety guidelines can prevent accidents, boost productivity, and create a positive work culture.

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Employer Riverway Business Employer Riverway Business

Empower Your Team with Feedback: Learn How

Constructive feedback is the lifeblood of organizational growth, providing valuable insights that drive improvement and innovation. As leaders, it's imperative to create an environment where employees feel empowered to share their perspectives openly.

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Employer Riverway Business Employer Riverway Business

Why Every Employer Needs an Open-Door Policy

Imagine a workplace where employees feel comfortable raising concerns, sharing ideas, and approaching their managers with open arms. That's the power of an open-door policy. It's not just about literally leaving your office door open (though that's a good start!).

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Employer Riverway Business Employer Riverway Business

Team Building: A Key to Recruitment Success

Companies are always on the lookout for ways to attract and retain top talent. One effective strategy that often gets overlooked is team building. Team building activities not only boost morale but also enhance productivity, leading to better recruitment outcomes for companies.

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Employer Riverway Business Employer Riverway Business

How Contractors Can Be Your Strategic Advantage

The traditional 9-to-5 model is facing a seismic shift. Welcome to the gig economy, where a growing number of skilled professionals are opting for project-based or freelance work. For businesses like yours, this presents a tremendous opportunity to tap into a diverse talent pool and unlock strategic advantages.

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Employer Riverway Business Employer Riverway Business

How Pay Transparency Empowers Employers

Transparency has emerged as a cornerstone of organizational culture. Pay transparency, in particular, has gained traction as employers recognize its potential to drive fairness, accountability, and employee engagement.

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Employer Riverway Business Employer Riverway Business

How To Prioritize Mental Health For Your Employees

In the workplace mental health is often overlooked or sidelined. However, the truth is, that mental health directly impacts employee well-being, productivity, and overall organizational success. It's time to break the silence and start the conversation about mental health in the workplace.

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Employer Riverway Business Employer Riverway Business

Crafting SMART Goals for Employee Excellence

When it comes to professional development and success, the importance of SMART goals cannot be emphasized enough. Setting goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound provides a clear path for employees to navigate their career journey and contribute meaningfully to organizational success.

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