12 Tips For "What Not To Wear" - Interview Edition

In our minds, we think a staffing company is nothing more than a place that is supposed to find us a job. As recruiters, we try our hardest to find each qualified candidate a job, but there are a few things regarding appearance that could hurt you in the interviewing process if you’re not careful. Below are a few tips that will help you succeed in being that qualified candidate, and get you noticed in a good way by the recruiter and hiring manager. I hope you find these 12 tips useful when preparing your wardrobe for your big interview! 

  • Be mindful of how neat and tidy your clothes look, which can say a lot about a person’s work habits. 

  • Do not wear jeans to an interview, even with a staffing agency; what you wear to our interview is how we perceive you dressing for our client. 

  • Try to avoid crazy colored neon hair (remember first impressions are everything). Please also remember that who the client is interviewing for the position is who the client expects to see showing up for work. 

  • Don’t sag your pants and let your under garments show. It is not a good look, and is unprofessional. 

  • Please do not wear t-shirts to an interview. Showing up in a t-shirt means you grabbed whatever you could find and threw it on. (To the hiring manager it looks like you were unprepared and you are not interested in the opportunity). 

  • Please do not wear tennis shoes to an interview, it’s unprofessional. What you wear is who you are to the hiring manager. 

  • If you are going to wear jewelry, please keep it professional and classy. Don't wear anything flashy that will take the hiring manager's eyes and ears off of what you're saying. You don't want to be remembered for what you wore; instead, you want to be remembered for your achievements and what you can bring to the company when you're hired! 

  • Please be prepared when going into your interview. What you are going to wear for an interview should be on your body, do not go in the bathroom when you get into the building and change your outfit. It is unprofessional and will make you late. 

  • Please do not wear high heels and miniskirts; this is not a club but your future employer. Please keep it classy. If you have trouble walking in the heels, they are too high for an interview. 

  • If you are going to wear makeup to an interview, please keep it as light and polished as possible; again you want the Hiring Manager talking about your skills, not how much make up you wore. (Be remembered in a good way). 

  • If you are going to have facial hair please make sure it is nicely groomed and maintained. (There is nothing worse than the hiring manager questioning in his mind if you even took the time to care about your appearance for your interview). 

  • For men, a tie is a nice addition to your interview attire. Staying on the conservative side is best, so although it might be the season, you might want to save that holiday tie that your great-aunt gave you last year for your family holiday parties!?


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